Welcome to SA Dunn Landfill

S.A. Dunn & Company, LLC

S.A. Dunn & Company, LLC owns a sand and gravel mining operation that has existed since the 1800s in the City of Rensselaer and the Town of North Greenbush. The reclamation required as part of the mining permit includes grading with construction and demolition debris fill in accordance with strict modern regulations (see About Us page).

Permit Renewal

S.A. Dunn & Company, LLC submitted an application to NYSDEC in January 2022 to renew and modify the existing permit for the Dunn Mine and C&D Facility. The permit renewal will not change or expand currently permitted mining or C&D disposal operations. The modification, which is required by NYSDEC, will incorporate construction of a mechanically stabilized earthen berm on the northern and eastern side of the site; the berm will reduce the visibility of the Dunn Facility from the north and will decrease waste capacity and the life of mine area. Permit application materials are available at the Rensselaer Public Library, at the NYSDEC Region 4 offices or website (https://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/117071.html#Permit), or by clicking on “Permit Renewal Application” above.

A public participation meeting was held on June 14, 2022 from 7PM to 9PM at the Rensselaer City School and virtually via zoom and telephone for community members interested in learning about and commenting on the Dunn Facility’s permit renewal and modification application. The meeting was held as part of the Dunn Facility’s implementation of its Public Participation Plan (PPP), which was prepared in compliance with NYSDEC Commissioner Policy-29, Environmental Justice and Permitting (CP-29) and approved by NYSDEC. A copy of the presentation is available here. We appreciate the questions received and comments provided on the application. A recording of the public participation meeting is now available here or can be viewed on this page. We apologize for any delay in posting the meeting; we engaged an outside vendor to enhance the audio portion of the recording. A summary of all questions and comments received pursuant to the PPP (including those made at the June 14, 2022 meeting) is available here.

In July 2023, NYSDEC issued a Notice of Complete Application for the application documents. On August 8, 2023 at 2 pm and 6 pm, the NYSDEC will hold a legislative hearing regarding the permit application at the Rensselaer City School Auditorium to provide an opportunity for public comment.

Current Events

Some in the community expressed concerns about PFAS in surface and ground water around our facility, so we did more than listen, we acted. We hired an outside engineering firm to collect numerous samples for PFAS over the last year and a half. Those samples were analyzed by an independent and accredited lab. The conclusions were clear, and matched DEC’s findings: There is no PFAS issue at or around S.A. Dunn, and we are not contributing to any PFAS concentrations in groundwater or surface water. Our latest efforts in January 2021, included collecting PFAS samples from our groundwater monitoring wells and surface water monitoring locations. Detections of all PFAS compounds, including PFOA and PFOS, were well below the State’s 10 ppt drinking water standard, and in many cases were non-detectable, consistent with background readings for PFAS found across the state. Our commitment to being transparent means we will continue to collect samples from the groundwater monitoring wells surrounding the facility, and from the water flowing in the Quackenderry Creek both upstream and downstream of S.A. Dunn. We will also continue to analyze water samples for PFAS and share those results with the community. It’s our responsibility to assure through sharing information with our neighbors to show there are no reasons for concern. We want to focus on facts, not unfounded claims to heighten needless fears.
MAY 2021 UPDATE – In May 2021, SA Dunn analyzed “split” samples from groundwater monitoring wells sampled by NYSDEC contractors. The May 2021 results confirm conclusions from prior sampling efforts.

New York State DEC has been regularly testing the air quality surrounding our facility since 2019 and summarizes findings on a regular basis. In April 2020, they issued findings from additional testing at the school facility to our north for volatile organics (VOCs), particulates and certain metals and found levels “…typical of the general air quality for a suburban area.” In August 2024, NYSDEC issued a summary of air quality monitoring surrounding the facility. We are pleased to have this affirmation that our facility’s operations are protective of the health of our neighbors.

Recently, community members have asked about existing data related to airborne asbestos fibers from our operations. In May, June and July 2016, the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) conducted inspections of the S.A. Dunn and Company, LLC facility operations. During the June 2016 site visit, OSHA collected 6-8 hour continuous air monitoring samples of three workers utilizing heavy equipment to push, place and cover C&D debris waste at the facility. The samples were collected to measure the exposure of personnel working directly in the waste placement area to airborne asbestos fibers for comparison to the Permissible Exposure Limit of 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter. The results not only confirmed that worker exposure was within the permissible level, but that asbestos fibers were “Not Detected” in the samples collected during a combined 1,251 minutes of personnel air monitoring. We appreciate the efforts of OSHA to ensure worker safety and are grateful to know that our facility’s operations are protective of the health of both our personnel and our neighbors.

Economic and Fiscal Benefits Analysis

S.A Dunn is proud of the contribution it has made to Rensselaer, the broader Capital Region and New York State as a whole, both in terms of providing a vital service and in expanding and improving economic conditions. A consultant was retained to estimate the annual economic and fiscal benefits of the Dunn Mine and C&D Facility. The full report (AKRF, January 2022) is available here , and the key findings are summarized below:

  • Annual operations support 73 jobs within New York State, including 55 jobs within Rensselaer County and 66 jobs in the four-county Capital Region.
  • Total annual economic output generated by the facility’s operations is estimated to be nearly $18.7 million within New York State, including $13.8 million within Rensselaer County and $17.3 million within the Capital Region.
  • The employment supported by the facility’s operations generates nearly $4.9 million annually in labor income within New York State, including approximately $3.6 million in Rensselaer County and $4.4 million in the Capital Region.
  • In addition to host fees, economic activities associated with the facility’s operations generate an estimated $937,000 in tax revenues annually to jurisdictions within New York State. This includes approximately $245,000 annually to local taxing jurisdictions (e.g., City of Rensselaer, Town of North Greenbush), $242,000 in tax revenues to counties in New York State, and $450,000 in New York State tax revenues.

Community Participation

S.A. Dunn & Company is an active community member in the City of Rensselaer and throughout the Capital Region. Employees reside in area communities contributing to local economies and taxes. The facility patronizes local vendors for equipment, materials and services.

Donations to local organizations:

  • City of Rensselaer Schools
  • Circle of Mercy
  • CoNCERNS-U/Tri-County Catholic Charities
  • City of Rensselaer/Christmas in the City
Sa Dunn Landfill
Sa Dunn Landfill
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